ADRC Contact Information

For Individuals with Disabilities (Ages 18-59)
Disability Resource Center (DRC) of Milwaukee County
Phone: (414) 289-6660

TTY/TDD/Relay: 711


Office Location:

1220 W. Vliet Street, Suite 300

Milwaukee, WI  53205

For Older Adults (Ages 60 and older)
Aging Resource Center (ARC) of Milwaukee County
Toll-Free Phone: (866) 229-9695

Local Phone: (414) 289-6874

TTY/TDD/Relay: WI Relay 711


Office Location:

1220 W. Vliet Street, Suite 300

Milwaukee, WI  53205

ADRCs Help Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Find Your Local ADRC

Your local aging and disability resource center (ADRC) is the first place to go to get accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability.

ADRCs are friendly, welcoming places where you can go for information about aging or living with a disability, whether you are looking for yourself, or you are a concerned family member or friend, or a professional working with issues related to aging or disabilities.

The ADRC provides information on a broad range of programs and services, helps people understand the various long-term care options available to them, helps people apply for programs and benefits, and serves as the access point for publicly funded long-term care.

These services can be provided at the ADRC, by telephone, or through a home visit, whichever is more convenient to you.

Virtual Caregiver Events

Because of COVID-19 outbreaks, many support groups, memory cafes, conferences and other events have moved to a digital platform. Find up-to-date listings for virtual caregiver resources and events on the Wisconsin Caregiver website.(link is external)

Services Provided by the ADRC

The ADRC can connect you to resources about:

  • In-home personal care and nursing
  • Housing options
  • Housekeeping and chore services
  • Home modifications
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Transportation
  • Health, nutrition, and home-delivered meal programs
  • Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
  • Caregiver supports and respite