Certified IRIS Consultant Agency
Advocates4U consultants are here to support you and are available to assist you over the phone, through email, and in person at your kitchen table or at a location in your community.
Advocates4U consultants not only know your community well, but are here to connect you with the proper services and support to make your long term care goals a reality. Advocates4U consultants will meet or connect with you on a regular basis to support you and to ensure that your services and supports are working to meet your goals. If your needs change, your consultant will help you plan for new solutions that ensure your continued success.
What is IRIS?
IRIS Eligibility
IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) is a program for adults with disabilities and elderly people in Wisconsin. It is a self-directed program, you will have the freedom to decide how you want to live your life.
Our Services
Important Information
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is pleased to release an informational video about Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). Please review the information included in the video.